
Major Versions

Currently there are 2 simultaneous major versions, v1 and v2. No more work should be done for the v1 version, and it should be deleted when all the curated papers have been converted to v2. However, until then some useful information might be extracted from the existing v1 papers.

Versioning System

From v2 onwards, we use semantic versioning. Papers follow the vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning. For example, a valid version for a paper is v2.1.1. However external tools should only need to look at the MAJOR.MINOR version, and the patch number should not be fundamental to their behavior.

An increase in the MAJOR version reveals a complete change of the NTARC format. An increate in the MINOR version indicates some small changes in the NTARC specification, that break backwards compatibility. An increase in the PATCH version occurs every time something is changed in the specification, that doesn’t break backwards compatibility. Increases in the PATCH version should be frequent, and should happen when someone adds a new feature to our list of Information Elements, or when a new value is added to the list of previously allowed values for any specific field.

There is an exception to these rules for versions v2 and v2.1, since they were introduced before the decision to follow the semantic versioning system. Some discussion on this topic can be found at

To summarize, we have:

  • One branch for each minor version, named rMAJOR.MINOR (e.g., r2.1)
  • Starting from v2.1.1, we use semantic versioning
  • Each change that doesn’t break backwards compatibility increments the PATCH number of the version (e.g., adding possible values to fields with finite possible values; adding new IEs to own_ies.csv)
  • This version is included in the NTARC version field
  • External tools usually only need to care about MINOR version, as everything should be backwards compatible (in particular, this should be true for the verifier)
  • Tags with PATCH should be very frequent; they should be used for individual commits, or for multiple commits in a short time
  • The r2 branch (corresponding to v2.0.X) is exempt from the proposed branch naming scheme, to keep compatibility with existing tools